Yellowstone National Park - Fishing Cone

BOOK YG       [last updated 05-31-2005]

I have one distinct view of FC from the book 'Yellowstone Geysers'.

Differences to the front:

Differences to the back:

Publication Year:
     ©1937 & 1947 by Haynes Inc., Yellowstone Park, Wyoming (revised edition)

Other remarks:
     This image is an expanded view of postcard 35241P where the sign and a young child can be seen
     Also see booklet AY for a similar representation of this view

Clyde Max Bauer's 'Yellowstone Geysers' - FC
Clyde Max Bauer's 'Yellowstone Geysers' - FC (Front)
Yellowstone Geysers (Cover)

Contact me if you have suggestions for improvement or historical information on any of the items listed on this website.  I am constantly looking for new material and researching the famous 'Fish Pot' at West Thumb, Yellowstone National Park.  Thanks!