Yellowstone National Park - Fishing Cone

BROCHURE FVHATFOYNP       [last updated 02-18-2012]

I have one distinct view of HSC from the brochure 'Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden and the Founding of Yellowstone National Park'.

Differences to the front:

Differences to the back:

Publication Year:

Other remarks:
     A U.S. Government Printing Office publication (1978-261-226/1), created by the U.S. Department of the Interior/Geological Survey

'Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden and the Founding of Yellowstone National Park' - HSC
'Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden and the Founding of Yellowstone National Park' - HSC
'Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden and the Founding of Yellowstone National Park' (Front Cover) 'Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden and the Founding of Yellowstone National Park' (Back Cover)

Contact me if you have suggestions for improvement or historical information on any of the items listed on this website.  I am constantly looking for new material and researching the famous 'Fish Pot' at West Thumb, Yellowstone National Park.  Thanks!