Yellowstone National Park - Fishing Cone

Lantern Slides of Fishing Cone

In this section I have older glass lantern slides.

Fishing Cone - CBM

Fishing Cone - 65

Fishing Cone - 55

Fishing Cone - 28

Larry Fishing in Hot Spring - 176

Fishing Cone - 8

Fish Pot - 13596
Fishing Cone - 10891

Fishing Cone - 16306

Fishing Cone - 34

Fishing Cone - 76

Hot Spring Cone - 32

Fishing Cone - 86

Fish Pot - 59
Fishing Cone - 8107

Fishing Cone - S152

Fishing Cone - OSL-FJH

Fishing Cone - 11301

Fishing Cone - 13908

Fish Pot Hot Springs - 04351

Fishing Cone - 6268

Contact me if you have suggestions for improvement or historical information on any of the items listed on this website.  I am constantly looking for new material and researching the famous 'Fish Pot' at West Thumb, Yellowstone National Park.  Thanks!